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Heat treating rock (the old fashioned way)

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Man, that is one sweet fire pit.

This couldnt have come at a better time Cowboy. Just got a bunch of chert in that needs to be cooked. Now I see how to do it. Thanks a bunch for posting this.

Just starting knapping and it's hard to believe you get those beautiful points out of those wavy potato chip looking spalls like the one laying on the stump. I have a lot to learn. :-\

Hey Mickey - glad to see someone taking an interest in my post ;D. That was originally my trash burnin pit - I found a way better use for it. Thanks for the compliment on pernts (borrowed that from Bob). If you or anybody need any other tips - I'd be glad to help. Just so's ya know, I'm that guy at OJAM that knew ya but couldn't remember your name - you know how us new guys are ;D.

D. Tiller:
Thanks Cowboy! Now I understand what to do. Now to find the time! As the song goes "Time keeps on slippen .. Into the future!"

Now tell us about your tools! Thos are a bit different than my pressure flakers. Whats with the flat ended one???

David T

Hey D: Yep we could all use a little extra time ;). That flat tipped one in the pic is my edgeworker and notcher, tha flat end I use to notch - it's just a 1/4" copper wire hammered down flat, make it as thin as youd like your notches to be wide - those points in the pic's don't have narrow notches. The other end is the same wire ground to a tip for edge work - the rubber pad is what I hold in my left hand while holding the Ishi or hand flaker in right hand to run pressure flakes off the peice. I could almost wright a book on the whole process 8).

Some dumb questions. Why is it important to heat treat the stone? Also can agates be used for points? Found a couple of stones about 2 or 3 lbs each on the shore of lake Superior and was wondering if they could be used for something.


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