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Heat treating rock (the old fashioned way)

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Not sure what part of the state we're in yet D, will break out the map and see if it's anywhere close.

Marc St Louis:
Yes I need to do some of that with some chert I have that is terrible rock

D. Tiller:

--- Quote from: cowboy on September 28, 2007, 10:16:56 pm ---Not sure what part of the state we're in yet D, will break out the map and see if it's anywhere close.

--- End quote ---

Cool, Paul! Hope you are in the neighborhood. If you are arround on a Saturday there is a group of Knappers here on the island and with a week or two of heads up I can get them together at one of the guys places up in Oak Harbor, WA.  Bring your tools! Just fair warning though it pretty much only obsidian be knapp.  ;D

That's fine D - no guarranties I'll be involved with that job. But if I do drive all the way up there I ain't comin home without a load of obsidian! May have to swing by Justin's place while I'm in the neighborhood ;D. Oh yeah and treat myself to some kind of NW good eats - maybe trout or clam somethinorother 8).

D. Tiller:
Trout! Ah, ye gads!!!! Salmon is much much better. Try some crab while you are here too.


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