OK, moderators or admin. Could you please delete that first one? I kinda hit enter or something and it went before it's time
Allright, I have sent this to several of you folks - thought I'd share it with everyone. I took a series of pictues for a friend that's into knapping to help explaiin how to treat his flint - this is what I came up with through my trials and tribulations. Just a side note - I tried a toaster oven (it didn't work).
This is all TX stone that I have worked with (pederanales)- think it should work with most flints or (cherts) but don't think it'll work with novaculite.
To start out: You need a good bed of sand, or sandy soil (works best if you have powder dry dirt). Acually not for sure if you NEED sand, but that's what I have and it works.
This is gonna be short due to lack of room (the pictures will help). You'll want a bed 1" deep, take your spalls and wriggle them into the bed. Hoe a bunch of dirt on top and then start working it around until you have what resembles a volcano (with a rim). Pack your dirt down, by walking on it. Measure the dirt covering the rocks - you want somewhere between three and four inches after packing (the rim of the volcano just holds the coals in later). I start my fire at dawn, keep it going HOT AND STRONG until sunset. Don't even think about digging them up the next morning, let em set for two days or so, and if they didn't blow up - you'll have some nice (glasslike qualities but much tougher) flint to work with. Hope this helps some of ya'll
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