Thanks for the comments guys.
I was feelin' a bit down yesterday with a dose of man flu and those damn chrysals... bit more back to my usual cheery self today.
It'll be interesing to make another one from the better half of the log and see how it turns out.
I might shoot it through the chono later on.Just shot it through the chrono.
155 typical from my usual draw. Using the full 28" of the arrow I was getting 160
highest 166 fps

Those chrysals are driving me nuts, I might do a thread whipping to hide the damn things so I don't start having nightmares about them.
That reminds me... I had a weird dream this morning (that's what happens with a cold...) I was back at my parents house and my Mum had reorganised the garden shed with all my bows in it and I couldn't find any of my fave's... woke up in a cold sweat... but boy you should have seen some of the weird and wonderful bows I did find... one was like a corkscrew
