Yip, Yip, Yipeeeeee! I received this month's issue of PA !!!!

But alas, all is still not well, in the chilly land that I dwell. The two previous issues,
of which I had inquired....... Still have not arrived, and appear to be in the system somewhere mired...... But still into my little cubby at the post office I look, and still, no two previous issues of PA have been placed in my postal nook. But still I have faith in Marie, as she has responded, to my hue, and cry, and got in contact with me. But I am sure she has not forgotten my plight, why most likely, those two previous issues, are speeding my way, through rain, snow, and dark of night...... hopa, hopa, hopa....

Marie tell J.W. to mind his S.D. business, and keep out of this!

This is serious business here, just between you and I! Not for some interloper, looking for fame and glory, by adding to my misery, with snide, and sly, disparaging remarks, that might cause a lesser person to respond to "His" ranting and raving postings, no not I, I shall not fall to his level, and make distasteful remarks, I will just sit, here, with my Pabst Blue Ribbon, and my plate of fried Coopers Hawk, and Eagle, ravioli, with an Osprey, and Great Northern bean soup, and my little appetizer of Kestrel nuggets, with a dipping sauce of light soy sauce, garlic, onion, scallions diced, and dry sherry.

Nope, I will not respond to his bait, like some feathered Zombie!, I will just completely ignore him, why he won't even know that I even read his comment!

Now where was I before, I happened upon what's his name's comment? Oh, is the procuring and mailing the two previous issues, in the works?

Hopa, Hopa, Hopa! Thank you Marie for your working on this, and trying to make things run smoothly, and not like what's his name, and trying to put salt on the tail of the bird that might be bringing my lost issues.....Thank you for your help. You're more gooder, than a jar of Pickled Peaches!

Rats, now I have a craving for Pickled Peaches, and I don't have any! Maybe what's his name is busy practicing his Turkey calling. So he can try to get within range, to use that sulfurous, smelling, and flame belching, flinch lock, to get his Turkey! that should keep his little fingers off the keyboard for awhile.

Thanks again Marie,