Hi everyone. Not sure where to put this, since there were very few primitive bows (one medieval crossbow and a Chinese repeater) but I thought I'd share an event from yesterday at my club, FCSC. I had designed and we finished constructing a small, basic archery range this past May. We had a free event the other day, and provided a lot of various kinds of bows at various weights, arrows, arm guards, etc. I had zombie deer target overlays, baloons, etc, to shoot at, and also set up an atlatl target and provided about 35 darts and about 12 different styles of atlatls I have made over the last few years.
Here are some photos. The loose theme was Hunger Games, and girls outnumbered boys in participation. We even had an Olympic caliber archer from Italy who now lives in the region, and we had participants from as far aways as Albany, NY.
These events are exhasting to put on, but worth it. We decided to donate food to the event, so we had burgers, dogs and Italian sausage for free, plus ice cream for the kids. I have out a bunch of Hunger Games buttons and zombie hunting permits as well.
In case you are wondering, I am the guy in the porkpie hat.