That was some sage advise for us grass hoppers

Great job on that bow Hatman

Great explanation Doc!!
Quote... I hate to do this to you, but here comes another long winded explanation regarding the importance of balance in bow making. You are on the very edge of grasping the problem and I think you would figure this out on your own in short order. But here goes. Put all thoughts of a symmetrical brace or full draw profile out of your mind on this one. The only symmetry works is if you start out with unbraced symmetry. With one limb deflexed and one reflexed , the reflexed limb has to travel slot farther to appear symmetrical. That means the reflexed one has to be weaker. No good that! What you need to concentrate on is equal limb travel through the draw and that all of the working part of each limb is working equally. You can use your tillering tree to do this, but you will need to lash a wedge of some sort to the handle so that the limb tips start at an equal level. Then you can see if they are traveling equidistant throughout the draw. I couldn't find my crayons so I scribbled a few diagrams with a pen to try and illustrate what I'm rambling on about. Josh

I am a little concerned because of the length and thought I might want to start with a bit more reflex all around but maybe I can pull it off. I mean watching you pull a bow from that stave I think anything is possible