I keep it on the long string until I can achieve brace height without reaching desired draw weight of course . Then you can brace with a proper string and as mentioned ,don't pull it anymore than your desired weightat any given drawlength. Exercise the limbs repeatedly before drawing to the next step on the tiller tree after every time you remove material.Keep checking the weight. The bow should be tillered pretty close by the time you brace it . After that it should be just reducing the weight and minor touch ups. I do allot of that with the bow braced to save time ,as most of mine have stiff tips and don't need much work at the ends. Be carefull not to nick the string with the scraper. I've never done it ,but I can't imagine it would be a good thing .If you have concerns with the grain you can back it with linen . Spread the titebond III on , lay on the cloth and work it into the glue until it is soaked through everywhere.I then spread some more on and smooth it out removing any excess.let it dry and trim it up.If you are using cloth it is uniform enough that it shouldn't change the tiller at all.