Talk of fast traditional bows has made me decide to post pics of this bow that I have recently re-worked. I made this bow about 8 years ago as a flight bow. It was, still is, a Bamboo backed Black Locust recurve 62" long overall and it pulled just over 50# @ 24", what it was tillered to. I don't remember how much reflex I glued into the bow initially but it did have 6" when I tested it for flight all those years ago. Here is a picture of the bow when it was a flight bow

And this is arrow speed I was getting using the 300 grain arrows shown in the second picture. The arrows at the bottom, the ones I was using, are 25" long and weigh between 280 grains and 300 grains and are made of HHB.

The bow had been sitting on my rack for a few years doing nothing so I decided to re-tiller it as a hunting bow. I tillered it to 28" where it pulls 50# and it hardly lost any reflex while doing so. I'm sure it won't shoot a flight arrow at 230 fps anymore but it does shoot a hunting weight arrow quit fast.