Author Topic: Lookin 4 some Cotton mouths  (Read 45400 times)

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Re: Lookin 4 some Cotton mouths
« Reply #45 on: May 24, 2008, 02:54:17 pm »
I live in between chickisha and cement, right by the little fishin lake, lake birche.  Apache has a rattle snake festivle once a year, It is a real big happinin around here there are usually tons of ppl, and any snake related products you can think of ;D

I used to come to your neck o da woods every year for the Auto Swap Meet
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Lookin 4 some Cotton mouths
« Reply #46 on: August 01, 2008, 10:13:01 pm »

     It's not a smooth skin though.  I live Fla., and as a kid we used get rid of quite a lot of them.  Once when we had a stationary rain storm, for about two or three days, I went out at night to run down the shell rock road to the store, bare foot as usual, ( I was about 13 ) and as I jumped over the ixora hedge in our fornt yard, I heard something slither in the hedge, so I made a note of it, and went to the store, and came back, jumped over the hedge, and went and got a light and a machette, and found a small to medium cotton mouth, ( about 2 1/2 -3' long ) and proceeded to remove his head.  I didn't eat him Dana, my Mom wouldn't let me bring it in the house.  But as for no snakes in the mountains......I was up above the rapids, and Dam, in Nantahalla, where they have the rapids for the canoes, and I turned over a rock in the creek to look for insects, and found a nice little copper head there.  I put the rock back down.  Not gently, but back down!  I didn't think there would be any there either.  I did find much to my pleasure, that the people of North Carolina aren't exactly fond of snakes......As a Kid we used to wade the canals, frog hunting, and snake whacking.  Once in awhile, we would come upon a set of red eyes quite a bit farther apart than a frogs, so we would ease out of the canal, and go on up a ways, and get back in continue looking for frogs, and snakes.  If I get back down to the Big Cypress, and our old camp, I will see if I can find some.  I haven't been down there for quite a long time.  The Army corps of Engineers, and general destruction, put in a canal not too far from our cabin, and it dried up everything.  Had a couple of nice saw grass ponds, around the cabin.  Used to always jump a deer in them, but they are all dried up now.  Hi, we're from the Government, we're here to help you......Uh, no thanks.


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Re: Lookin 4 some Cotton mouths
« Reply #47 on: August 02, 2008, 10:42:45 pm »
I know Moscow Hide and Fur(PA classifieds) had some skins a couple of months ago at

Here in Indiana it is rare to find a cottonmouth and is just fine by me. I worked in SW Louisiana and had more than enough experiences with them to last me a lifetime. I've never been chased by a snake before and hope I never do again. Mean sob's

I'm sorry to completely be off-topic, but the visual image of a snake chasing someone made me laugh hard. I just got this image of a snake chasing me, I know I would run and scream like a girl. Thanks for the laugh!  :D