I'd keep an eye on it over the next few weeks as, it it was made fairly green it will still be drying and may need a little re-tillering.
It may also gain draw weight.
If you clamp it up flat and leave it some where warm/hot and draughty for a day or two that would probably ensure it's finished seasoning, then take it back slowly on the tiller and re-adjust if necessary.
Sounds fussy I know, but it may be worth it to get the best life out of the bow.
Or maybe just shoot the heck out of it

If I was being asked to be critical of the tiller I'd say it was working a tad hard in the inner 1/3 but maybe that's the style you wanted.
(Actually I think making 'em slightly green and then finishing the seasoning is a good way to do it, more chance of set, but less chance of breakage)