Heu guys its been a while but here are a few bows I've finished. The 1st is an osage, with a big hole in the upper limb, which was shooting really nice til it lifted a splinter

. So no full draw picture unitl I find time to repair it. The white one is sumac work in progress. The other two are a Bamboo epee bamboo long bow and a bamboo backed bamboo. The BBB is R/D. It took a little set but most of it is the deflex I glued in. The BEB is very thin and shoots the best of the group its 68" ttt and 66" ntn, 1" wide at the fade and 3/8s at the nocks. Still learning this craft, I know tiller's arent perfect but I'm getting better since the first one! They shoot well and I had fun working on them. Sorry I have no Idea what they are pulling, But I draw to 28" and I was shanking like a leaf waiting for the wife to snap the pictures lol. Thanks