I generally don't make bows like this but I was offered a couple Osage limbs a few months ago by a friend, a fellow PA member. My friend had these 2 limbs shaped by someone for the commercial take-down sleeves. Unfortunately they were still too wet when it was done and when the Osage had finished drying there was too much play from shrinkage. He offered them to me and I said yes. When I got them I let them sit for awhile figuring that I would get an idea on how to best use them, an idea finally came to me. Here is what I made from them
Here's the limbs when I got them

Here is the bow

The bow is 69" long overall with 1 1/4" wide limbs tapering to 3/8" nocks. I did no heat modification to the wood. It pulls 65# @ 30" and shoots quite well, not a great performer but more than good enough for hunting anything one cares to hunt.
I did write an article on this bows construction so I won't go into too much detail so not to spoil the article.