Thanks to all of you for you kind remarks, they're much appreciated

Holten: that sloe looks right exactly like this one I made my bow from. I suggest you cut it

When I was preparing to make this bow, yours was actually the only one a google search for "blackthorn bow" spit out. Cause I had seen yours, I was amazed to see the warm colour of the wood when I opened mine. My bow is not the same colour all over, I gets darker towards what was upside in the plant (the now lower limb, the one with less knots). I did not stain it, but half-oil tends to darken the wood a bit. I think the upper end looked almost like your bow before.
Lesken: There are so many knots, I decided to ignore them as long they where not really right on the edge. I made the knottier side upside so that became the longer limb, and went a little wider and flatter. Nothing else, really easy.
Blackhawk the hawk-eyed: I just draw 26", there isn't much I can do about it

Seriously, I've been trying to get my draw lower and longer lately, but it doesn't feel natural yet. I guess I'll have to put a mark on the arrow.
Parnell, jimmy: I don't know why it is used so rarely, I hope there is no hidden downside to it. There's none naturally in the US, but also in europe it hardly seems to be used, even though it is widespread. But it felt trustworthy from the first touch. It's really hard and heavy, I see why a fighting stick would be made of it. Even now, there is nothing fragile to the bow, you could easily smack someone with it

I'll keep it in heavy duty and report all new insights on it