Author Topic: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!  (Read 17131 times)

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Offline Pat B

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #75 on: August 25, 2012, 11:45:40 pm »
Everyone needs to cool their heels. We will get to the bottom of this. There are plenty of you guys that have offered to build bows and it may get to that but for now lets just get back to doing what we do best...building bows.
  I'm gonna contact Eddie and ask him not to post the names. We will handle it from here.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Pat B

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #76 on: August 26, 2012, 12:16:21 am »
....and no money will ever be a part of a PA bow trade. It is all about trust.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline bubby

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #77 on: August 26, 2012, 12:17:25 am »
....and no money will ever be a part of a PA bow trade. It is all about trust.

i'll second that Pat, Bub
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Offline tetaxidermy

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #78 on: August 26, 2012, 11:12:32 am »
I have been watching this thread for awhile now, and been thinking about this for since the deadline. I would like to say I will release my builder from his obligation no questions asked, mabey something happened . That being said, I enjoyed making a bow for someone else, and liked being involved in the bow trade, and will do it again. Thanks, Eric.
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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #79 on: August 26, 2012, 12:01:55 pm »
My take.  I've got no dog in the hunt.  I just joined PA this summer and so, I am not involved in this years trade.  That having been said, I have watched as bowyers have posted pics and comments on the bows they are making for others, and the bows they have received.  I have been really interested in getting involved in the next one, as this seems like a lot of fun for everyone involved.  I hope the problems brought on by a few don't ruin the fun for the rest.  To me, this was unfortunately predictable, human nature being what it is.  If I was involved, I would understand that someone is gonna get stiffed.  Might be me.  Do I want to play anyway?  Yep!  At least half the bows I've made over the years if not more, have been given to someone else.  No strings attached.  I have received back more than I've ever given away.  Much more!  Add to this the people who have stepped up and given bows away to even things out.  THAT, is what this is really all about.  Those that received a bow and never sent one, there can be no joy in that. 
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Offline Cameroo

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #80 on: August 26, 2012, 01:45:06 pm »
Those that received a bow and never sent one, there can be no joy in that.

...or at least that's what we'd like to think.

Like you, I wasn't involved in the trade this year.  I was last year, and loved every minute of it (even though it took me 4 attempts, I ended up with a BOM from it, which was just an added bonus :)).  I just didn't think I would be able to get one done this year with everything else I had going on, so I couldn't commit.

I don't think it's wise to tarnish someone's name because they couldn't complete their end of the deal for legitimate reasons.  But I think with all of the time and opportunities the rest of them have had to reach out and contact their recipients, I can't think of any reason why someone couldn't even be bothered to let their recipient know what's going on, unless they simply didn't care.  And I certainly don't want these people to be able to take advantage of others on this forum again.  Unless their names are released or some other action is taken, they are likely to do it again (not just in a bow swap, but potentially in other trades as well)  Yes, we have awesome members who are willing to step up and "fill in the blanks", and other recipients that are fine with not even receiving a bow (you guys are the ones who make this such an amazing group of people), but that doesn't mean that these guys should get away with scamming us, and be left able to do it again.  Just my humble 2 cents...

Offline beetlebailey1977

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #81 on: August 26, 2012, 04:07:06 pm »
The rules stated when you signed up that you must check in regularly and keep up with the trade.  Also that you try to make the deadline.  At the best if you had problems all you had to do was talk to Pat B.......plain and simple.  I knew my bow would be up to the last day but I also knew that I would have it made.  I also stayed in constant contact about the trade.  If you can't play by the rules by all means you don't need to play.  Short of being dead or a major catastrophe there is no excuse to not at least let somebody know something.  I hope it all gets settled and to the fine people that have not received a bow I am sorry for that.
Happy hunting to all!
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Reevesville, SC     James V. Bailey II

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #82 on: August 26, 2012, 04:39:57 pm »
With all good there is potential for bad in it ...i suggest if in the future we do it again the un responses be ban from the trade...that being said i joind this site and this trade because it was a friendly, informative place to be and a lot of fun ....most of us signed up to make one, getting one
is great to, an through the kindness of others, ones who have fallen short can be helped out making shure everyone receives, that is what makes this a great sight! However i think that posting a list on a public board shaming those who for reasons unknown is not cool,what is the point of being so darn angry not hurt that is the joy of being here but that is slowly going away and if the names are poasted(even though i am not as valuable as some on here)i will be out as it is no longer a fun time...i hope it can be resolved in good sprit ;)
Is this bow making a sickness? or the cure...

Offline Pat B

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #83 on: August 26, 2012, 04:54:56 pm »
I have contacted 3 guys that volenteered to build back-up bows for the 3 guys that didn't recieve bows in this years bow trade trade. If for some reason any of these 3 guys can not build another bow there are at least 4 other guys that have also volenteered. I've asked these builders to contact the recipient to find out the stats for their bow. I will also contact each recipient to let them know when I get confirmation from the builders.
  I personally want to thank each and every one of the participants in this years PA Bow Trade. This is the best group of folks around. The knowledge and generosity that is graciously shared with everyone else is what makes this site such a great place to be a part of.
  Once this bow trade is concluded we can move on to other things.

  Thank you all,   Pat

ps. I assure each and every one of you that the names of the guys that failed to deliver will not be openly posted on this forum. Their names will, however go in Eddie Parker's(mullet) little black book.
  If anyone is working on a trade of any kind here on PA, Eddie's book contains the names of folks that have not delivered, not only on PA but Trad Gang and PaleoPlanet so contact Eddie if you have any doubts.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Weylin

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #84 on: August 26, 2012, 05:06:08 pm »
Thanks Pat, both for organizing such a great event and coming up with a fair and reasonable solution to an unfortunate predicament. I look forward to doing it again next year.

Offline coaster500

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #85 on: August 26, 2012, 05:43:43 pm »
The trade was a blast and being able to participate was a privilege for a newbee. It made me reach a bit and try to build a better bow...  I'll be back for the next one....
Thank you Pat and everyone envolved with PA for your advise, kindness and giving natures...

Inspiration, information and instruction by the ton and it's free,,, such a deal :)

Offline beetlebailey1977

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #86 on: August 26, 2012, 07:29:06 pm »
I will definitely be ready to make a bow for the next trade........ready for the Christmas trade next....
Happy hunting to all!
Bowhunters of South Carolina Executive council member
Professional Bowhunters Society Associate member

Reevesville, SC     James V. Bailey II

Offline wildcat hunter

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #87 on: August 26, 2012, 09:45:29 pm »
  You guys that were not in the bow trade this year, don't be turned off about this. I enjoyed the trade and got a beautiful bow from Paul Semp. It puts my work to shame! Gives me something to shoot for next year, I plan on doing it again. Great bunch of guys on here!

Offline MWirwicki

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #88 on: August 27, 2012, 09:46:41 am »
Thank you, Pat for all of your hard work organizing this trade.  I can't wait for the next!
Matt Wirwicki
Owosso, MI

Offline Gaur

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Re: BOW TRADE-contact who you are building for!
« Reply #89 on: August 27, 2012, 10:43:45 am »
I think overall it was a great success.  One thing that might help is limiting to folks that have at least a little bit of history on PA.  I'm not sure if any of the guys who didn't come through signed up for PA when they saw the trade or not but it would limit that sort of problem of someone looking for a free bow and not have the ability or desire to make one for someone else.
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