I am finish shooting this beaut before sanding to make sure the tiller wont change and am thinking about how to stain and finish it. It is 69 inches ntn, 60 lbs at 29 inches draw and the White Ash grain is breath taking, especially where the heart wood flows into the handle. It is a very basic flat bow design with a bulbous carved handle to fit my fingers. I am naming it Asha, after the first man created by the gods in Norse mythology.
I am a bit of a technophobe so pics are an issue but I am working on it. Ok here is the facebook gallery
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151345183470523.822573.750005522&type=3 I know the lower limb is a teensy bit stiffer than the upper. all mine are, it shoots better for me.
I saw someone do a nice oil stain where he back looked like it had been backed with brown paper and I loved the texture. I dont want to mess up the grain but some color wont hurt. The Back is so white and plain it is pretty but boring.
If folks could post some pics or suggestions I would be grateful.