Looks like it's pretty good , but I think you'll prob need to reduce the sapwood near the ends, it looks a bit thick in that last pic (I'd say reduce the sap wood to about half it's present thickness, well a bit over to start with)
You don't have to do it all in one go, reduce the belly as you start tillering and if it looks like you are gtting to the point where the heart is getting down to the same thickness as the sap, then reduce the sap. I think a 1:1 sap/heart ratio is ok, but best if you don't get worse that that.
Mind ,I've seen bows with just a skinny layer or heart down the centre of the belly with sap showing either side. Just feel your way into it, slow and steady. Don't try and reduce it to final dimensions and then stick it on the tiller, get it on the tiller on a long (but tight) string as soon as you can and keep teasing it back. Enjoy following those curves

(you don't have to be slavish about following an actual ring, but if you try to keep the sap a fairly even thickness, and follow the undulations, you'll find you don't get too many sharp ring violation anyway and that's just fine).