The Olympic games are a world wide endeavor, not just British. And, in an island country as small and as old as Great Brittan most of "nature" was over run many thousands of years ago...but the Brittish folks have done themselves proud with these Olympics. Y'all "did it right!"

Just the metals they earned is testament to that. We, that live in the vastness of America seem to forget how long the world went on before Columbus came to this New World. Europe and Great Britain were out of most of "nature" before we ever existed.
Both the opening and closing ceremonies were about Great Britain from past to present with their culture, music and folk heritage, the industrial revolution, the World Wars and the recoveries from them. An introduction to the world of Great Britain from then to now. I loved it all!

To me the sport aspects of these Olympics were outstanding. So many world records and Olympic records were broken, so many women won metals(2/3rd of the metals won by the US were women!!!), I love the guy from South Africa that competed with prosthetic legs, and the Kenyan man in the rowing competition(he learned to row 3 months ago in a row boat), the first woman from Saudi Arabis to compete(and other countries), runners helping an injured competitor off the track, just the all around camaraderie of the folks that competed gives me hope for mankind.
Sorry you were so disappointed.
On to Rio!