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Snakeskin and the order of things
Does it matter if the snakeskin is tanned or does it have to be "dried" only?
I believe in TBB Vol 1 Chapter 11 pg 243-244 Other Backings that Paul Comstock says tanned skins can be used but glyercin
treated skins wouldn't work because glue wouldn't stick to them.
Justin Snyder:
--- Quote from: Beleg813 on October 09, 2007, 04:39:45 pm ---Does it matter if the snakeskin is tanned or does it have to be "dried" only?
--- End quote ---
You can use them dried or green. They can be rolled up and frozen. If you stretch them out and dry them the scales are farther apart. You need to use two dried or two green if you want them to match good. Justin
Whose Paul Comstock ? Btw glycerine skins do work ;)..................bob
How do you get the glycerin out bob? Acetone?
Paul carries a bent stick ;)
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