Hello, I have a few questions for you guys, and I might update this thread with more questions later.
I'm thinking about going with the English longbow style for my 72" bowstave. Is this a good choice? What are the advanages and disadvantages of ELB compared with, say, a Cherokee or American longbow style?
I bought a 10" draw knife and a
deluxe tiller stick for carving. Do I need anything else? (I also bought James Easter's DVD on osage carving along with a book called Cherokee Bows and Arrows, so that should help).
When I'm done, what would give the best finish for my bow? Tung oil, varnish, or lacquer? Do you have any specific recommendations?
I was thinking about buying a spool of b-50 bowstring, so I might need some help when I get to the point of making my own bowstrings...
Finally, could anyone point me to some good arrows and a quiver to buy? I don't really feel like crafting my own right now, but I'd like some shopping advice.

PS- Here's the bowstave I bought:

Thanks for the help!