My wife and daughter were in the yard this afternoon and they heard a faint meow coming from the woods. They went to investigate and a small kitten jumped out and ran to them. He was very friendly and my daughter picked him up. He started purring and snuggling with her. That is when I came outside and quickly realized we had a new pet
We got him some water and he drank for a long time. Then he ate a can of cat food, some kitty treats, and then some dry food. We sat on the porch and he took turns snuggling with everybody. I pulled a few ticks off of him and then we doctored him up with some flea and tick repellant. The wife and kids had to leave for a few hours so I headed to my shop to split some BL and hickory logs. I turned around and there is the kitten sitting there watching me. I put a rag down on my bench so he could lay down. He followed me all around the shop and then he layed down on the rag. It wasn't long before he was out cold. I split all the logs and he slept right through it. I guess the wife and kids named him Stanley. I suggested Ishi or Tiller, but they didn't like those. If he stays around I think I'll have a shop buddy. I guess I will be making a kitty door in the garage somehow.
He seemed to like my stave collection
He has some cool markings. He has a little Ultimate Warrior thing going on both sides of his face