Thanks Fred...I dug them out with a small broken tipped screwdriver...the wood inside them was soft n rotten. And after I dug em out I shot some super glue down inside them...that's how I do staves with holes

Thanks lesken..glad ya like it
Thanks Matt...I'm sure you'll see her soon
Thanks guy...see ya labor day weekend pal...not sure if your old muscles wood like the draw weight
Thanks paul
Thanks Tracy...I knew someone was gonna make the peepsight

Thanks postman...I haven't named her yet but that's not a bad one
Thanks Bob...come on over anytime if ya wanna see it
Thanks Greg...yeah its nice once n awhile to make a pure n simple bow from the woods natural state
Thanks Brian
Thanks dbb...I don't know,id still need to make a few more like it before I could compete with druid
Thanks pappy...see ya soon