I'll throw in a little more, since I remember being confused about this too. Pole diameter for good backing is 3" and up. I cut out pieces with a saber saw. Make it a little wider than your bow width. I start out by clamping the strip to a work bench and thinning it down some with a big, very soarse rasp. Using long, sweeiping, diagonal strokes to minimize snagging and splitting the boo. Now, your sharp guys have a table belt sander to take it down, but I use a hand 3" belt sander. I have taken to using 24 grit belts to save time, but you might want to stick with 40 grit. Finish with finer. I sand the whole thing down pretty thin, toward 1/8", then I mark a prelim taper to narrow the ends - maybe leave 3/4" wide for glue up. Then thin downs the ends of the strip to a bit thinner than the center.
You'll want to use a form for glue up- can be pretty simple. A 2x4 will do, with cleats put on the rest the handle on, adn props to lift the tips into reflex. Helps to wrap tape around during clamp up - foot intervals. Put a clamp every 3" or so, use bits of wood or something to pad top of boo. After glue un and general bow shape-up, I hit the nodes with some 60 grit hand sand paper, just a bit. Don't want to disturb those fibers too much cause they are the weak point of boo.