Thank again for all the help.
Sorry, I haven't posted anything new with this bow. I was trying to finish a bow for a friend. It would have been completed Wed. But, Tuesday morning I woke with a pain in my back near the right shoulder blade from sleeping on my right side all. Even with heat and ice treatments I seized up. The only position that eased the pain slightly under the blacking out point was with my arm bent at the elbow arcross the top of my head and my right ear pressed against my shoulder. All the muscle on the right side of my back had cramped and siezed up. When the pain was nearly bearable it felt like I hit my crazy bone. At worst it felt like I was having a hammer repeatedly smashing my elbow and shoulder.
I spent 4 hours in the ER getting valum, percoset and morphene pumped into my vains Tuesday afternoon/evening. I had 2 pinched nevers. Five visits to my Chiropractor and plenty of oxy, and about 50 lbs of ice. I'm almost back to normal. I still have a slight stapping pain near my shoulder blade. My elbow is what hurts the most right now. We think I tweaked it by pulling my right wrist with my left hand while my right arm was bend over my head.
It's still going to be at least a week before I can scrape bow.