Author Topic: Lab Puppy, Fire Ants and a Careless Vet... Not Safe for Dinner Time Reading!!!  (Read 14165 times)

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Offline Gus

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Thought about this for a bit, and haven't had much time for computer stuff...
But figured it for a Good Cautionary Tale.
And the story of one puppy passed over by the hand of death.

This all started back on June 21st.
Had moved the puppies out with the big dogs a couple weeks earlier.
Round about 2:30am Thursday 6-21, there was a heck of a hullabaloo out around the garden fence.
They must have had a critter cornered in there but did not find it.
Got everyone calmed down and went back to bed.

Next day Zed, then called Superman, as he was the Biggest, Prettiest male of the litter, and the sweetest puppy, came up a little lame in his right hind leg.
Checked his leg over and did not find anything overt, figured he got rolled in the Brawl the night before.
But he continued to worsen into the weekend. Saturday night 6-23, he was so bad I took him to an emergency vet clinic down the road.
We jumped through their hoops, Parvo Test, and basic check up just to get him in a room to wait to see the doc.
While we waited, Zed in my lap, me petting and talking to him to calm and reassure him, I happened to flip an ear over and found 20 to 30 Fire Ant whelps.
Checked the other ear, same thing. Then REALLY took a Hard look at him and started finding whelps all over him.
When the doc came in he wanted to talk about running a battery of X-Rays on his leg and hip.
Asked him how much the X-Rays would be, he said they started at $200 and up... I passed on the X-Rays.
I pointed out All the Fire Ant Whelps, the odd individual had the gall to tell me that Fire Ants didn't effect dogs the way they did humans.
This is where I figured out that this particular veterinary clinic was not in it for the animal. I told him we are done here, to the tune of $275.00
And we went home.

By Sunday Zed had been off food for three days and water for two.
We started a Force Feeding and Watering program on him using a Water bottle with tubing taped on the end of the bottle for water
and a Turkey Injector Syringe with Tubing taped on for food. We fed him Gerber Baby Food for the next two weeks.

Talked with my vet Monday morning for guidance.
He said keep pouring the water to him, force feeding him the baby food was good, and get him in ASAP.
With Work and other Family Matters clouding the waters, we were unable to get him to our vet till Friday.
By this time the Hemotomas had begun to rise and burst.
Our vet put Zed on as strong of an antibiotic as he dared, do to his young age.
Two weeks into treatment we switched him to the next stronger antibiotic.

With our vet's guidance We were doing Epsom Salts Poultices, followed by Peroxide, and them Neosporin.
When the Large Hemotoma burst on his back it opened up a three inch gash leading to the inside of the hemotoma which was the size of a Baseball.
Our Vet talked me through a process of using Granulated Sugar, (Table Sugar) as an antibacterial application,
sprinkled over the open wound, then allowed to melt in, then apply neosporin on top of that.

Zed's been living in the kitchen since this all began.
I'd take him out and hold him up to do his business.

It was touch and go for three weeks of treatment, four weeks from getting rolled in the Fire Ant bed.
And to add insult to injury the ant whelps kicked off a harsh case of Lab Pimples.
But Zed finally turned a corner and started healing up.
Today he is coming along Pretty Darn Good.
I figure another two weeks or so and he'll be able to rejoin the pack.

He started out named Superman but we changed it to Zombie Dog and that got edited down to Zed.  :)
There had been more than enough death around here recently, I was not prepared to let him go quietly into that good night.

Here are the Photos From about a week in, up to today.

If you are faint of heart pass them up!

This was the worst I've seen in a dog.
And I have sewn up several dogs, and doctored snake bites and what not.
Even sewn up one of my dogs fireside in the boonies with fishing line and home made bone needle after an unintended fight with a Russian Boar.

Zed sure is a sweet boy.
And he still has the Fire in him, with a heart as big as his head.
I was worried that the fever and brush with death might have burned his little mind away.
But he is learning quickly, and bouncing around at feeding time, a happy little Puppy.

"I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me."

Conroe, TX

Offline johnston

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Awesome event. You just went to the top of my list of good people.
Pulling for Zed to make it all the way back and hope he gets a chance
one day do eat up that money grubbing a-hole of a vet.


Offline Jimbob

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Awesome Gus,  I'm glad the little guy pulled through!
You skin that smoke wagon and we'll see what happens!---Are you gonna do something? Or just stand there and bleed?

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Offline TRACY

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Zed is a real warrior for sure! Breaks my heart to see the pup in that condition. Gus, you and your wife deserve a pat on the back for all the extra care you put into his welfare and probably a big reason why Zed's hanging in there.

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Offline YosemiteBen

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Gus - good job getting rid of the bad vet. Awesome job nurturung the pup - For future reference - Cold water baking soda compresses and bath will alleviate those damn fire ant bites quickly. My son got into them while visiting relatives in Louisiana. Had bites all over his legs and feet. Packed him in cold baking soda compresses and the pustules were all gone in about an hour or so.

Offline bowtarist

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Damn Dude, I didn't read the other comments, but you are the MAN and your Family is Awesome for giving a go and pulling Zed through.  CONGRATZ Bro, dpg

Betcha keep that puppy, huh?
(:::.)    Osage music played daily. :)

Offline vinemaplebows

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Thats messed up, hope he gets better. I was just imformed grapes are poisonous to dogs, not too change the subject, but I was really suprised. Kill them ants!
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Offline knightd

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I would make sure the emergency vet was given a copy of the pics. And probably chew on him just a bit and maybe next time he would have a bit more under standing..

Great job on your part.  ;)

Offline darwin

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What vet was this? So I can take my dogs elsewhere. Glad to hear he is doing better

Offline HoBow

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Wow.  Hope everything continues to go smooth.  Way to stay with him and nurture him back!
Jeff Utley- Atlanta GA

Offline JW_Halverson

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Atta boy Zed, you little zipperhead!  Like Wolf Watcher says, "get your tough skin on!" 

Gus, you and your wife are aces in my book.  I agree with the person telling you to take the photos to the vet and giving him a little wake up call.  I believe you may even wanna take him to small claims court to recover your charges for services "not rendered".   He may just decide to not show up for the court date and you would win by default. 

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Offline Cameroo

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Being a dog lover with a special fondness for labs especially the chocolate variety, I found those pics hard to look at.  But what you guys did for him shows that humanity has not completely gone down the toilet :)  It's good to hear that he's recovering - I was wondering how he was doing when you mentioned the incident in your other post.

I think if I was in your shoes, I'd have a hard time letting him go after all you've been through together... good luck with that ;)

Offline Gus

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I hear ya Fellas...

Zed is Definitely on his way up from this Episode.
Now he's my spoiled little kitchen monkey.
Easing him back into the education process and starting to get him outside for short spurts.
But he just wants to GO... NOW.  :)

He's healed up enough now to start getting some leash time.
And reintroducing him to the girls, our three medium to large sized yard/house dogs, one of which is his dam.
Zed is ready to be out of the kitchen, if he could play the harmonica he'd be playing the "Let Me Outa Here Blues".
Judging by his rate of healing and if he doesn't open stuff up again, he should be out of solitary confinement in a week or so.

Darwin, it was the Emergency Vet Clinic off I-10 over in the same strip center with Goode Company BBQ and Carters Country.

The Campbell Road Veterinary Hospital is my normal vet.
Dr. Bringhurst is TOPS in my book, a good Vet and a Good Guy.

Fire Ant whelps really did not cross my mind until I stumbled upon the ones in his ears.
They did not jump out at me on the rest of his body initially.
Once I saw the pustules in his ears and really looked hard at the rest of him the true scope become apparent.
By then he was deep into anaphylactic shock and shutting down.
The damage was done.
All we could do was keep him alive until he could pass the poison.
Keep his wounds clean and addressed.
And squeeze the food and water into him... much to his chagrin mostly.

I'd love to keep Zed, but I'd picked out another male to hang on to when the pups were a month old.
And my wife says I can't keep them both...
Thank Goodness I don't have to decide tonight.

"I taught him archery everyday, and when he got good at it he throw an arrow at me."

Conroe, TX

Offline darwin

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Dr bringhurst is the vet I go to as well and I agree he is great. This is not the first bad story to come out of that emergency clinic. When I was away at school my dog got sick very quickly ( he was allergic to peanuts in hind sight I think that was probably the issue) and my mom took the dog there and they apparently said the dog was fine mom took him home and he died a few hours latter. It was horrible I got a call at school my mom was crying (which doesn't happen) and she told me the story, worst thanksgiving ever

Offline TRACY

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I'd love to keep Zed, but I'd picked out another male to hang on to when the pups were a month old

Man Gus, you have a tough decision!

It is what it is - make the most of it!    PN500956