Thanks everyone for the accolades! It really means a lot to me coming from this group, thinking of all the amazing bows produced from the names above. I would not be making bows like this, if it was not for this community. I also recommend Hunting the Osage bow by Dean Torges, it is written by a true craftsman. I am glad you all liked the tips! I had fun with those and really like horn for overlay material.
Soy, Thanks!
Del, thanks, your tip work is like the gold standard!
straightarrow, thanks, I have admired your finish work, and have been thinking about working some feathers into my bows too, after seeing some of your bows on here.
briarjumper, Coaster, Eric, beetle, coaster, Steve, glad you all liked the tips!
Thanks Tracy, I will definitely be hanging on to her for awhile.
Thanks Will, your Honey Hole bow still jumps to the front when I think of most amazing bow.
Pearl, thanks! I am looking forward to reflexing some osage next. I like the look of speed in your bows!
Okie64, Osage is real nice. Possibly my favorite right now.
lesken, thanks, I like how the rawhide handle wrap turned out, but I am still waiting to see how it holds up once the weather here turns wet, which it tends to do from time to time here in Oregon.
jimmy, hunting gods willing, I would like to have a big bull elk in frame with this bow.
dbb, I tried to blend the shape of tips into the wood a bit. My dull chainsaw file was the perfect tool for the job

. I like how it turned out.
Dean, thanks for the stave! I haven't seen a lot of osage, but I have a feeling I got spoiled here

Can't wait to see what you do with that yew.

The lower limb tip reminded me of a snake rattle, and could easily be shaped to really look like a rattle. I want to someday do some sheep horn tips to look like rattles with rattler skins, like Gun Doc's Prairie Rattler trade bow.