It had been a long and unfruitful morning riding in the howdas atop our trusty hephalumps deep in the jungles of India. Had it not been for my local guides and porters, I would have given up and returned to camp long begore, but these poor local boys depend on tips from us great white hunters to feed their families. I pressed on for their little kiddies sakes, despite the heat and horrible insects.
Spoor on the hephalump trail looked fresh, so I disembarked and began walking forward when the tiger lept from a fresh kill just off the trail. I quickly levered a round in the chamber and drew a bead!

The round caught him just behind his strong and muscular shoulder. He rolled on impact, lept to his feet running. These great cats take a lot of killing, I say, sah!

Costumes, guns, and photoshop work courtesy of Jim Hatzel of Fiddler's Green Studio.