Author Topic: 2 bows lil one and one im working on  (Read 2968 times)

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Offline littlehunters19862011

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2 bows lil one and one im working on
« on: July 13, 2012, 09:47:37 pm »
here is  2 bows one that. i kinda saved from being trash after 2 brakes . and one  i  am  working on right now . doing little work on it cuss its still drying i got it bending just a little bet then set it back up on my wall to let it dry sum more before i start to  work the limbs any more .i thank they both are white oke but not to sure about that . any info on . what to do and donts  would be grate  thanks .
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 11:49:41 pm by littlehunters19862011 »

Offline littlehunters19862011

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Re: 2 bows lil one and one im working on
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2012, 05:18:31 am »
Well I took the bow off the wall tonight to do sum more work to the limbs.. Started working on it. I put  a string on it with sum brace height . It started out.  Just checking the tiller sum and it ended up with me working the limbs more and more and be for I new it I was shooting it and boy  did I do it .  Worked the top limb. Over. To much and it pop ed a lounge split on the back. The limbs are still kinda thick. So maybe a patch well work on it I don't no what do u guys thank ? I planed on. Backing the bow with sum fiberglass tape . Do you thank that would help hold it or well it need something more on it ?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 08:41:49 pm by littlehunters19862011 »

Offline littlehunters19862011

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can this be fixted bye puting a backin on it ?
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2012, 05:25:59 am »
I'm on my cell phone and I can't load up but one pic at a time. But be for I the pop I took sum pics of it and was going to post them on here and ask you guys about the tiller.. Here it is. The limb that pop ed the split is the one that needs to be worked down Som more closer to. The handle and it looked to me like it had a flat spot trod the tip
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 08:44:35 pm by littlehunters19862011 »

Offline littlehunters19862011

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Re: 2 bows lil one and one im working on
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2012, 05:19:54 pm »
OK  the bow did brake on the limb that had the crack I'm now just wondering .if I'm right about the tiller on the lower limb is the one that broke cuss of the split it had but it also had a hing . my ? is win u get a hing how do u work them out?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 08:46:11 pm by littlehunters19862011 »

Offline DarkSoul

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Re: 2 bows lil one and one im working on
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2012, 06:24:33 pm »
Just to make sure we understand each other. There's a total of two bows in the pictures, correct? And one bow has started to lift a splinter in the lower limb. Despite that splinter, you continued on shooting this bow, so the bow broke at the lower limb where this splinter was. Correct?

- As soon as a splinter lifts, you must immediately unstring the bow and solve that splinter. You must never continue shooting a bow that has any damage in it.
- The tiller in the picture "oke%20bow%20tiller.jpg" has two extremely serious hinges in it! Both limbs must bend more evenly. Esp.  the left limb has a severe hinge that will almost always be fatal if not corrected. The hinges are in midlimb, with the inner limbs not doing much work. You can only correct such a hinge by removing everywhere except for the hinge itself. That means you have to scrape inner limbs and outer limbs, but leave the midlimbs alone. Only when the hinges are gone, you can continue pulling the bow further.
- The brace height of the bow "lil bow.jpg" looks really high. How long is that bow and what's the braceheight? the tiller looks much better on this bow, though!
- In the first post you mention that the wood is still drying. You should only tiller dry wood. You can rough out a wet piece of wood up to the point where it starts flexing, but tillering can only be done with properly dried wood. how dry is the wood? When was it cut?

Two general tips... Check the thickness taper of the limbs. Take a caliper and meticulously check for any high or low spots before your truly start tillering. It will make your tillering job go so much easier.  Second, a longer bow is less sensitive for a slight screw-up in tiller. Bows over 70" in length can afford some more rooky mistakes than shortbows.

Good luck with your bows! Keep us posted.
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Re: 2 bows lil one and one im working on
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2012, 07:53:06 pm »
My guess...The reason the second bow has not broken yet is because the wood is green (high moisture content).  Get that wood dry before you put a string on it!  Get the hinges leveled out before you draw the bow as you have in the last picture.  If you work green wood it will take a massive set, if that set is limited to a short area, you get a hinge.  Game over when the wood dries out.  Get those limbs bending a little coming out of the fades, and then bending a little more as you progress away from the handle.  Spread the load across a greater area of the limb.  More of a rounded shape and less angular at any one area.  The bow appears to be around 54"- 58" long???  Drop your brace height some.  Hard to tell but looks to me to be strung really high.  As far as the splinter...That's a big one.  I don't think tape will solve your problem.  You can try, but looks unlikely to work.  Start another with dry wood, and slow down and get the tiller right before you string it.  You'll get the hang of it.
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Offline littlehunters19862011

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Re: 2 bows lil one and one im working on
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2012, 07:04:48 pm »

i had tyred and backed the bow with fiber glass tape to try and keep the split from becoming a brake . it  did brake in that limb but not at the split spot . after  backing the bow with the fiber glass  tape . i tyred to fix the tiller of the limb  but do to me not  knowing really  how to go about  tr yin to get that hing out i took wood  out of the  wronge spot and made it worse and it broke because of the hing .  i posted the pic just to get  response on  . how  i am doing on my attempts . as this is the  2ed  time i have  had one do this  and . i do need sum dryer  wood that one has  been  drying only for 3 months .
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 08:49:19 pm by littlehunters19862011 »

Offline Weylin

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Re: 2 bows lil one and one im working on
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2012, 07:12:06 pm »
I'm sorry, but it's pretty difficult to understand what you are trying to say given the way that you are typing. If you clear that up I'm sure you will get more help as people will understand more clearly what it is that you're asking.  :)

Offline lesken2011

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Re: 2 bows lil one and one im working on
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2012, 07:41:01 pm »
I think it is great that you started with a stave, but I think it was easier for me to learn by starting with a flat board. If you pick a good one from a lumber store, it generally is already dry enough for bow making. The flat surface makes it easier (at least for me) to draw out the bow. Boards are generally not as hard to come by as staves and if you make a mistake you can just put that lesson aside and start on a new one.

As far as the hinge goes. The way I deal with one part of the limb bending too much is to mark a big X in pencil in that spot so that I don't take any more wood off in that spot. As you take wood off around it, it will be less pronounced. That's how bows wind up being so much lighter as a result of taking off enough wood to get back an even bend.

While I am still a very inexperienced bowyer, that is my 2 cents for what it is worth.
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Offline bubby

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Re: 2 bows lil one and one im working on
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2012, 07:47:14 pm »
on the how-to page at the top, the tillering gizmo, make yourself one and read how to use it, then start a new bow and tiller useing the gizmo, it will help a ton, Bub
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Offline littlehunters19862011

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Re: 2 bows lil one and one im working on
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2012, 08:35:38 pm »
yes sorry about  the  typing  and bad spelling  guys . i need to use the spell check more