Thanks Okie, yeah she handles a bow pretty well even though she short drawed on the photo shoot, picture were taken after she had been shooting awhile.
Thanks Jon, they are special even when the grow up and have kids of their own.
Thanks Blackhawk, shes over a couple times a month or more and has shot her bow many times since April.
Thanks Leskin, I still remember a weekend at Cloverdale when she was 10 yrs. old and shot arrows from dawn to dusk for three days straight, my buddy nicknamed her the bow-babe that weekend.
Thanks LE, its true the daughters will find you to be uncool somewhere around age 13 or so, they still love you but won't want to be seen with you, they come back sometime later and are a joy to have around. Be ready man!
Thanks Gun Doc, what I said above to LE about daughters and age 13, hang in there man I went through it with
4 of 'em, they come back to family and simple pleasures again.