I don't know if this is the place for this but,,,,,My buddy Don, is really into the primitive stuff,,,me more bows and arrows,, he was with cornell till retirement working w\ plants,trees and such well we were sitting in my back yard talking,, and I see I really need to do some lawn work,, I ask Don hey whats that weed right there?

I just can't get rid of the stuff, and I don't want to use round -up anymore,,,,, well Don bends over a grabs a hand full and starts eating the stuff!!!!!! and said that's what I'll do

and then he offers me some,,,and I ate some!!! dang it!!! that stuff was great!! I put a bunch in my salad for dinner sunday I'm going to make greens and beans with it!! the plant is called PURSLANE!!! now you can check it out for your self!!! if you screw up don't blame me!! but dang!!! I hope some one scores a bunch of that stuff to back my story? I think I spelled it right ? good luck what a treat if you try it thanks for reading this JeffW