My son is working on a bow but the weather has been atrociously hot which delays progress. He has a bow to shoot, that is his but he did not make it. So we took advantage of this time indoors to work on a quiver. He did most of the work and had me for guidance. I used that article on making a badger quiver in the April/May 2007 issue of Primitive Archer mag. The article was very helpful.
The quiver has a thick leather core. He used a hammer and nail to make holes for sewing. The core was stitched up with artificial sinew. The hide was trimmed, glued and sewn in place. Pretty simple and he is very pleased. He ran his hand along the hide and said, I can't believe I did this. Well, believe it son because you did!
Fun story, I did not think about this being his first real sewing project and turned him loose with a triple bladed, leather needle. Some of you more experienced fathers know where this is leading. A little peroxide with a finger bandage and he was back at it.

just like his old man . . .
Only took one Saturday. Time well spent in my book!