Author Topic: Yew, ruined or not?  (Read 2092 times)

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Offline druid

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Yew, ruined or not?
« on: July 15, 2012, 05:55:04 am »
I get two yews that some idiot damaged badly with axe. I need help- is this usable or it is just firewood? I am not expirienced with yew, do not know how to deal with this?

Shorter yew, about 73" ntn. One side badly damaged, I think it is totaly useless and other side totaly good. Unfortunately, very short.  :(

Longer yew, about 76" ntn, both sides damaged, maybe something could be solved?

Offline Del the cat

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Re: Yew, ruined or not?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2012, 06:14:28 am »
I'd give it a go.
If you try and find the cleanest best face and forget the rest. Chop/saw away the bad side that you don't want, I would n't risk splitting as it may run into the good stuff.
There looks to be a good amount of sapwood, so when you have thinned that down to about 5mm maybe some of the worst damage will have gone.
All you can do it try, it looks too good for fire wood.
It's surprising how often the knots on the edge of the stave will dissapear as it's reduced in size, and a few in the middle can always be cleaned out and filled if they are bad, or worst case you can take out a shallow curved slice from the back and patch in fresh sapwood.
Give it ago... mind I know you were going to anyway ;D
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Re: Yew, ruined or not?
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2012, 09:35:54 am »
I agree with try it as well. I think you can find a bow dimension slice of useable wood,and worse case scenario is you might have to rawhide back it. But even that wood be worth it cus it looks like a nice straight piece. I wood also put several coats of sealant on all the exposed wounds that got chopped into. And you can have knots on the edges as long as they are down on the round side of the belly edge.

Offline Bryce

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Re: Yew, ruined or not?
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2012, 07:49:52 pm »
ive seen bows made from worse. give it a go man!
Clatskanie, Oregon

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Yew, ruined or not?
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2012, 08:27:16 pm »
 Nothing ventured nothing gained the old saying.

Offline coaster500

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Re: Yew, ruined or not?
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2012, 09:01:40 pm »
Looking at the ring count it looks like it might make a bow. Yew is really forgiving stuff for me and with your skills I'd say it's a bow allready!!!
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Offline Hamish

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Re: Yew, ruined or not?
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2012, 11:04:23 pm »
All the spots look like where branches have been cut off, and would show up as knots in a bow any way. If you are a experienced splitter, split them into staves, the knots and radial grain will usually take care of themselves. The bows will have character, character staves are better than no staves, if the wood is not perfect.
If you sawed them into staves its likely that you'd sever knots on the blind side, probably lose some staves. Bad bits can be shortened, turned into billets, 34-42" long.
You can thin the sapwood down on split staves a bit to avoid any divits, or back them with hickory when they are dry. Don't waste the "totally damaged side" until you have split the log, it will be useful for something, even if it doesn't make a bow.

Offline fishfinder401

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Re: Yew, ruined or not?
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2012, 01:41:52 am »
i say go for it, and if they are still a problem, turn into billets or crossbow prods :-\
warbows and fishing, what else is there to do?
modern technology only takes you so far, remove electricity and then what

Offline druid

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Re: Yew, ruined or not?
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2012, 03:05:33 am »
Well, my friends, what to say after these comments: I will try!  >:D


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Re: Yew, ruined or not?
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2012, 04:34:25 am »
Also sinew backed yew is awesome.....The wood in the center of the log will be the cleanest. Good luck.