Hi All,
Here is my trade bow. A small red elm tree I cut down 3 years ago and left to try in a friends garage attic. My first try with "Minnesota osage" and I like it. 66" NTN about 1 7/8. Didn't measure near the tips. I left them a but wide. I like a sturdy bow you can use as a walking stick to catch yourself sometimes. Still need to get the leather grip on tomorrow after the finish dries.

I picked up some natural color powder that I mixed with water on put on with my finger.
Thought I would leave it a bit primitive since this is Primitive Archer.

I didn't have a tiller tree set up as I'm traveling so it may be a little off but it shoots good.

didn't take much set.

Put a lucky stone in the pith that came from a sheepshead fish I shot earlier this summer.

also don't have a scale with me but it is somewhere around 50# I suppose. I see from my spell checker that I was spelling Primitive wrong. O well. I'm a caveman when it comes to spelling.