Hi all
I've just got my hands on some hopefully nice IPE

and did post on another forum asking for some starting sizes to get me going on this wood, but it was rather quiet to say the least lol and Del pointed me over here -so thanks

So heres what i have so far
Handle width started at 15/16"- was suposed to be 1"

and depth was approx. 1" x 72" long
tapered from the handle to nocks of 1/2" nearly square
did glue in some reflex but didnt have a lot on uncramping
it is to full draw now but no picture yet

but a question-when its unstrung it seems to follow the string about 1 1/2"! next morning its pretty straight but is this normal for ipe?
Wanted about 60# but came in about 51 so i brought the nocks in an inch to 68"
i think i might have started a fraction narrow and gone slighty less on depth maybe but im guessing randomly now!
Any info -good or bad would be welcome !
just added a full draw pic- mmm seem to have 2 tiller stylesor is it my eyes -1 each end lol!
So which one is better!