Personally, I would toss it, and go to the pet store, and get a nice bleached out Beef bone. I used to do a lot of carving with bone, and I found that pork bone, even the leg bone, is not a good source to carve, I have found it to be brittle, and crumbly. Maybe, if you are using a flat sliver, it would work fine. As for bending bone, back in the 70's or 80's Omni Magazine, had an article on nifty little tricks, and one was a real chicken bone tied in a knot! It also showed a beef bone bent like it had rickets, and there was a raw chicken egg in a glass milk bottle ! The secret......... Vinegar!

Soak the bones in vinegar. Soak the egg in vinegar, a few days in the refrigerator, and then fill the bottle half full of water, and heat it, till steam is coming off, then put the now rubbery egg on top of the bottle, and it will make a vacuum, and suck the egg into the bottle, and then immediately pour out the water, and then fill with cool water, and put back in the refrigerator, and change the water, often, and then the vinegar will leach out, and the shell will again become a hard shell. Never tried it, but heard it works. Not sure how many times you change the water, or how long you soak any of the items in vinegar. But that is the best I can remember of the article. Also had a neat pre sliced banana trick . You slice the banana without peeling it. When you peel it , it falls off in slices, and peeling is intact. Pretty cool, to exchange one in some one's lunch box, or put one in a fruit bowl.
