Author Topic: flipped tips on white oak bow  (Read 2391 times)

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Offline H Rhodes

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flipped tips on white oak bow
« on: July 08, 2012, 06:53:59 pm »
I posted a bow that I made from white oak a couple months ago.  It was 68 tip to tip and 50# at 28".  I have made two bows from this tree so far and have about three more staves left over.  I am becoming a real fan of white oak!  This bow developed over three inches of set and I had set it aside for a while.  I realized that I had left the tips sort of meaty, so I decided to recurve it to help improve the cast.  I intended to use a form with the curve cut into a 2X12, so I steamed the tips forty-five minutes before clamping them down.  I let each tip sit in the form overnight.  I let the whole bow rest up for about three days after the steam bending process. 
  I ended up with a much better bow!  This bow picked up five lbs. of draw weight and, with the recurved tips, has much better early draw weight. 
  I fitted it with osage nocks and added a leather flip rest and an arrow pass to quieten it down some.  Recurving the tips really helped this bow's performance.   :)
Gautier, Mississippi

Offline Jodocus

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Re: flipped tips on white oak bow
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2012, 07:17:07 pm »
...and it also looks a lot cooler!  8)
Don't shoot!

Offline H Rhodes

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Re: flipped tips on white oak bow
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2012, 08:34:36 pm »
Thanks!  I got a couple more on the way that have recurved tips.  This white oak really bends well.  I am still a newbie and am just now getting comfortable with bending wood with heat and steam.   I am working on one that is 56" NTN right now that has deeper recurves than this one.  It will have more curves and will be the shortest hunting weight bow that I have attempted...  wish me luck.   
Gautier, Mississippi