The osage bow I did only floor tillering on before heat treating and reflexing. I was very pleased at how well it held the 3 1/2" of induced reflex. I have her pulled out to about 87# @ 28" and imediately after unstringing she has 2 1/4" which quicly goes back to about 2 3/4. All I need to do on her now is sand, finish, narrow the tips and fix the arrow pass. I will post that once done along with a full draw.
The yew bow I am really afraid to pull back past 26", I just have a bad feeling. I may slightly lower the weight so she maxes out at 78#@28". I would feel better.
Presently they are measuring out almost identical in a power curve with a very slight edge going to the osage bow. The yew bow has a lower mass advantage so hard to tell which bow will win the spot after I test them on the chrono.