If anybody is interested, please send me a private message. Please let me know if there is anything else you wanna know about them, more pics or anything, etc, I am always online. THANKS
Osage bow:
65# @ 28", 62 1/2" tip to tip, Sapwood backed, hair on hide arrow pass (on leftside), leather handle. Draws very smooth.

Siyah bow:
60# @ 28". 56" long or so I believe from the beginning of one siyah to the beginning of the other siyah, siyahs themselves are like 6" long each. Wood is dense (home depot) red oak backed with linen. Siyahs are straight grain (for strength) red oak. Shoots nice and draws very smooth. This bow although sanded to 400 grit and ready for a finish, is unfinished as I had leather wrappings cross stitched over the limbs at first, but then I decided to remove them and never decided on a finish. I initially couldn't make up my mine as to what finish would be best to finish a bow that would be covered with leather all the time, as thats what I wanted to do at first? I couldn't make up my mind if I wanted to cover the limbs with cool looking oriental kinda fabric, or snake skin, or just leave them bare, and I didn't wanna use an oil finish if later I was going to glue some leather or fabric or snake skin (or fake snake skin like they have been selling lately), etc etc... So finish/sealer is up to you?

LOL I have never figured out a way to brace this bow other than the way you brace a manchu horn bow.