Ryan, I understand that and this is just what I mean by getting a little to dry does to bamboo during shipping. The failure isn't immediate.A couple points; Franks doesn't cater to bowyers, and they say basically that in their catalog, nor does any bamboo vendor I have seen. Slats are far more susceptible to dryness than enclosed poles, and combine that with untypical dryness for our region can cause this problem.. Remember all the fires in our area recently? This is why..
I know its not bowyer error in these cases, but you must realize that it's a risk to ship these slats cross country without problems on occasion...Also the yellow,or moso doesn't have the density to handle the extremes like a lot of other bamboos I have used, and ordering poles may improve the chances of getting bamboo which isn't overdried. Also order in small quantities so if it does go south it may not be so problematic.
Also finding other sources for bamboo closer to where you live, even private residences is a good idea even if they are hundreds of miles, or more south. I'm suprised there is only two vendors mentioned in this thread..I may have to start a side gig

The best bamboos I have used come from the neighborhood, but Franks has always provided me with some fine bamboo when I ran out of the local stuff.