Author Topic: Almostpighunter wins May Backed BOM with his Carp/Sinew backed Osage Shorty!!!!  (Read 8741 times)

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Offline criveraville

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Almostpighunter wins May Backed BOM with his Carp/Sinew backed Osage Shorty!!!!
Congratulations to Mike Weinberger from Las Vegas, Nevada for winning May backed BOM contest!!!,32619.0.html

Almostpighunter’s Carp/Sinew backed Osage Shorty

Bowyer comments:  Just finished shooting her in and I have to admit that at first I was really worried about her. This little darling is an 52" t2t Osage Orange with some heavily reflexed tips, and backed with sinew and carp skins. Can't really call it a recurve as the string doesn't touch the belly of the bow at brace height and the arrow shelf is beyond 1/8" off center... so I suppose that makes it a hybrid bow? Well, what's in a name anyway?

I was worried because the arrows seemed to be very slow despite her 50# @ 29" . Turns out that I didn't have the bow at proper brace height and, once I fixed that oversight, the arrows are now zinging off the string at a beautiful pace with absolutely NO hand-shock at all and is practically silent. All in all I am very happy with the results. You may notice the extra string nock in the pics, which are actually intended as bow stringing nocks. I have always had difficulty stringing this type of bow and horse bows. Obviously, the safest way is, of course, to use a bow stringer; unfortunately, I have always felt that the stringers on the market do not fit properly over the tips of the bow. By making an extra set of nocks I can simply use a long bow string as a bow stringer and it works perfectly and with almost no effort. Hope you enjoy.


-Osage orange backed with sinew and carp skins
-52" t2t
-49" n2n
-Latigo leather riser wrap

Here are some of the comments from forum members: 
Xin said it man, WOW!  that thing is working and coming back looking good in carp   soy
another winner aph, me likey, Bub
Really well done!  I love everything about it. Adam
Very nice.  The stringing nocks--what a great idea!
Thanks for sharing….. RDK
Great job, Mike. I love those short bows. The skins look great, too!!!  lesken2011
I'd happily buy one of those =)
Great curves. You've really done that bow beautifully.
Excellent work, mate. Keep it up.  Phoenix
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 03:57:36 pm by criveraville »
I was HECHO EN MEXICO, but assembled in Texas and I'm Texican as the day is long...  Psalm 127:4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

Offline criveraville

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Congrat Almostpighunter,very well deserved win.   
congrats almostpighunter,that is one sharp bow.keep them coming,Seabass
I was HECHO EN MEXICO, but assembled in Texas and I'm Texican as the day is long...  Psalm 127:4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

Offline MWirwicki

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Congratulations Almostpighunter, on a very unique bow.  A well deserved win!
Matt Wirwicki
Owosso, MI

Offline Almostpighunter

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Thank you very much to everyone!  :) :) :) Always deeply appreciated given the collection of talent on this forum!

Offline BearG

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Good job! liked that one a lot
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Offline bubby

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cool bow and a good win, Bub

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Offline seabass

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congrats buddy.nicely done,Steve

Offline bowtarist

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Shew Boy!!  that is a sweet bow! dpg
(:::.)    Osage music played daily. :)