Dauntless, how did you treat your salmon skins. I saw this post and it inspired me to try some salmon skins. They just happened to have some real nice looking fresh copper river salmon at the local Albertson's yesterday. I skinned the fillets, and to my surprise the skin was pretty rugged. I grew up on smoked salmon and had expected sticky skin, but not tough skin. Anyway, after scraping the skins, I started rinsing them in hot water. Just as hot as my sink goes which aint blistering, and to my surprise, the skins became very delicate, tearing with the slightest of mishandling. They went from tough hide to wet paper with just a quick rinse in hot water. Anyway, I thought it was interesting and made me curious about how you prepped your skins. Also, I have eaten about 3lbs of smoked salmon in the last 18 hrs.