Thanks for the encouragement everyone! Some of you may have noticed that I don't usually go all out on the fancy stuff. My bows are usually pretty plain and utilitarian. This time though, I took into account the fine bow I received and the fine bows the rest of you are putting up and decided to step it up as Matt said. I still like my simple bows, but this was a nice change of pace for me. My finish work still leaves alot to be desired, but I am trying to be more patient with the details. Speaking of which, hammertime, that gullwing you made was sweet! I would've been stalking the mailman on that one if I hadn't already received my trade bow. I really did get out of my comfort zone on this build, so I hope the recipient will take that into consideration when they are evaluating it. Who knows that said recipient might be one of you that commented on it.

I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

(shamelessly plegerized from PatB) BTW Pat, I went and picked up some more old hedge posts. well seasoned of course, but soaking wet. They should be dry and ready to work by next years Classic. If I get to go again, I'll throw a couple in for ya. Thanks again everybody, Josh