Me and Hrohodes made us a little trade of to believe I got the best end of this deal too

. It's a winged elm beauty and I dont know exactly what it draws but my scale says 50#@20" and it's all I got to get to full draw....what a bow, cant hardly wait to get used to it and get me a michigan deer with her!!!! This one and the monster that bubby built me probably make good elephant bows.....just hope I can find my arrows when the deer's down

Anyways, she reminds me of the early Holmegaards, and it's fast and smooth. Howard, aint nothin wrong with this bow and it's as fine as anybody makes, probably better than mine, just a fact. I thank you for her. Ya tamed this knarly ole stave into an outstanding bow. Sorry for the poor pics, as the wife wasn't really feelin up to it.....