Author Topic: Hickory short 'long' bow - back from the dead  (Read 2131 times)

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Offline doggonemess

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Hickory short 'long' bow - back from the dead
« on: June 07, 2012, 04:14:28 am »
I'm happy to report that the longbow I broke has found new life as a 'short' longbow - made the right height for my daughter. The funny thing is that it's too heavy, almost 30 lbs at 20", and she can't draw it yet. I just like it so much I don't want to lighten it anymore.  ;D

I'm working on a new bow for her now, but here are some finished pics of my fourth successful bow. Thanks for all the helpful advice!

Each tile is 1 foot square, the bow is slightly more than four feet, nock to nock. The tiller looks a little weird here, but I think it might be lens distortion or perspective. Cheap camera, so-so images.

The sanding isn't totally done, but I'm almost tempted to leave it the way it is. I kind of like the 'rough' and natural look of it. Maybe some BLO and leave it at that. I am considering a nice plain leather wrap with an arrow rest made of folded leather.

It's a rough shooter, though. Very snappy with lots of handshock. It also slapped my arm, causing a rash and a bruise - only the second time in my life I've gotten a bruise from a bowstring. Probably due to the size not being quite right for me. That's fine, in a few years, it will be perfect for the kids. Just need to get them trained up!
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Offline osage outlaw

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Re: Hickory short 'long' bow - back from the dead
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2012, 02:07:24 pm »
Way to go.  I have also turned a screw up into a bow for my daughter.  Those kids bows are hard to tiller.
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Offline Bert

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Re: Hickory short 'long' bow - back from the dead
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2012, 07:15:26 pm »
How long is the bow now ? (tip2tip)


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Re: Hickory short 'long' bow - back from the dead
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2012, 09:36:23 pm »
Hey buddy, scrape that left half 15-20 times. Its pretty stiff over there.
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Offline doggonemess

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Re: Hickory short 'long' bow - back from the dead
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2012, 11:32:42 am »
Tip to tip, I think it's about 55 inches, but that's a guess. I measured it but forgot. :)

Thanks for the suggestion about the tiller - it does seem a little off on one side. I'll do a little more finishing on it. You guys are right, the kids bows are tough to tiller. A little tiny change is a huge difference.
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