Start with a piece of paper as a pattern, cut it to size and wrap it around handle to suit you. I like to double over the ends that are going to be sewn together about .25" each. Then leave about a .125-.25" gap between when pulled tight. Glue double sides over and clamp till dry, i use rubber cement. Punch holes in doubled over leather, and soak submerged in water overnight. This allows the leather to stretch. When ready to finish, cut 3-4 feet of sinew, leather lace, whatever, and I find it easier to put a sewing needle on both ends. I also like to put a thin coat of rubber cement on the wood right before beginning. Pull needle through both top or both bottom holes, then lace all way up, pulling tight as you go. Leather will stretch to close gap. When through last holes, lace each straight across and tie off. Let dry overnight, and leather will pull tight yet stay closed on back in stitching. Others have other methods, some look better than mine, but this works for me. Good luck!