Got rained out today, but as fate would have it it quit early

. Theirs this place in my town (inside City limits) that I drive by - have noticed some Bodark trees along the fenceline, and meant to stop some day. You have to call it Bodark here, cause if you ask someone if you can cut some osage off their place - they give ya a funny look and say huh? he,he.
Anyway he gave me free reign - sure, won't hurt my feelings he said. I walked part of the place out - it has a creek running through it. One of those places that is dark and dank, all the trees starved for sunlight and growing generally straight up - couldn't believe what I'd stumbled into again. Lot's of sage, oak's, elm, some mullbury, other stuff.
I picked this one out that had caught my eye. Boy I tell ya, some nice straight, clean stuff. Am going to make this guy a nice sage bow to stay in good with him, may never have to drive to OK again. Not trying to show off or anything, just wanted to show what I'd run into

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