Author Topic: stump stew recipe needed!  (Read 8229 times)

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stump stew recipe needed!
« on: September 04, 2007, 03:13:33 pm »
Went out after Squirrels Saturday AM. Missed two ( not by much) but had much better luck with the stumps. I like the gray birch the best as the wood turns to brown duff and blowup when the blunt hits them.
    All kidding aside had a great time hunting and playing with my long bow. We had to have burgers with our sweet corn instead of fried Squirrels but next time right. :-X

Offline Otoe Bow

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Re: stump stew recipe needed!
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2007, 05:56:49 pm »
Chucker:  What kind of arrows and points do you use when chasing squirrels and or stumps? 

I've never hunted squirrels with a bow, but it sounds like great fun (and practical practice too).  I'm ashamed to say that today, it seems no one wants to hunt the quarry of our youth. I just checked the Oklahoma game regs and it seems our squirrel season is in full swing (lucky for me since its only 8 months long)  :D

As far as a recipe for stump stew, I remember a similar one from my early days watching Captain Kangaroo.  First you start with a pot of boiling water and a small stone.  Add beef, chicken, and/or wild game, vegetables, salt, pepper, and spices to suite taste.  Stump can be used as a substitute for stone in a pinch. Serve with a good bread and beverage of choice.  For ambiance, serve in a setting as close to Pappy's cabin as possible.  Never been there but it sure looks nice.


So far, I haven't found any Osage or knappable rock over here.  Embrace the suck

Offline Calendargirl

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Re: stump stew recipe needed!
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2007, 08:51:33 pm »
Otoe but you have to remember the trick.... ;)
you provide stump/ stone  and water everyone else brings just one of the other items.   ;)   
That's how ya feed your family for free!   :o
You shouldn't grow a wishbone where your backbone should be.


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Re: stump stew recipe needed!
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2007, 08:36:43 am »
Otoe, I use what they call wingnutters. A 1/4-20 wing nut slipped on the back of a 100 gr. field point. They work well on both rabbits & squirrels. At the end of the year I get  the unclaimed arrows from a couple of 3-d ranges and rework to suit me. That way no problem if I lose a few. Squirrels need a good wack to keep them planted and rubber blunts exc. just do not work for me.
   Give squirrel hunting / stump shooting a try, a long season and lots of shooting!

Offline Otoe Bow

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Re: stump stew recipe needed!
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2007, 01:49:40 pm »
Wingnutters??  Sounds easy enough.  I'd have never thought of that but it makes sense.  Since I've started shooting a traditional bow with it's light weight, there's no reason that every time I walk my dogs I don't carry the bow and a quiver full of arrows.  We have a lot of problems with armadillos as well.  They're like little hogs in the way they tear up a freshly mowed yard.  I don't know how may times I've seen them on my dog walks but had nothing to kill them with.  Everyone thinks they're "armor plated" but in reality their shells are rather soft, much like your finger nail.  A broad head would do wonders and a field point would probably be all that's needed.  Add some wingnutters in the quiver I now I'd be set for squirrels as well.  I'll leave the armadillos where they fall, unless there's a Texan out there that wants to trade some good Osage for some chili "meat"  ;) .

So far, I haven't found any Osage or knappable rock over here.  Embrace the suck