Author Topic: Andaman-Holmgaard Horn Composite Thoughts n Q's  (Read 11092 times)

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Re: Andaman-Holmgaard Horn Composite Thoughts n Q's
« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2012, 02:06:37 pm »
Its looking good mike...i see your gluing up the limbs to the handle setback....are you going to do the same when you glue in the levers? And are you going to slightly reflex the locust levers too prior to gluing them in?   Maybe splicing everything the way your doing is better than what i planned with one piece of wood as you can line everything up dead nuts straight,and glue it all together in setback instead of having to heat induce the shape??  Hmmmm....more questions to ponder....oh and what limb to lever ratio are you using?
Hmmmmmmmm.....questions indeed! Thats what I like about bow making - the never ending journey with no fixed destination...
I don't think there is any right or wrong really - if you can get it to work then it must be at least partially right.
I'll measure it all up and get the ratio for you.
Yes i've just heat bent the locust into a little reflex,not much because the tips will want to twist if it's excessive and then you would need to start drifting away from the advantages of these bows.
I made the handle set back because I figured it's probably the safest way to get the horn preloaded enough. The picture I posted earlier with the (not classic shape) Turkish bow shows how much it can bend,that bow is a C shape when un-strung...I plan on making the bending section very short on this bow. I'm not sure on the best way to taper the width in the bending section for maximum efficency. Badger??? ;)


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Re: Andaman-Holmgaard Horn Composite Thoughts n Q's
« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2012, 11:38:42 pm »
Maybe ill try it my way then n see what happens....if your making a 50/50 ratio or more then i wouldnt hardly taper the width to your working limbs IMHO,but thats just what i have found out works best for selfbows,and you might be able to taper a wee little more cus its horn,but not much.....that width will help you pull in and retain more reflex and acts as a stabalizer base to the narrow levers..thats just what ive found out in my experiences with them


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Re: Andaman-Holmgaard Horn Composite Thoughts n Q's
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2012, 05:31:18 am »
The working limbs are 13 inches (think i'll go for safety with this one!) and the tips are 15 inches long.
I got the main splices glued last night and will do the tips today sometime.
Pics to follow.


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Re: Andaman-Holmgaard Horn Composite Thoughts n Q's
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2012, 01:29:33 pm »
Cool mike..thanks man for sharing your info....sounds like your going for a 60" bow then....cant wait to see your shaped frame

Right now im thinking of taking the advice of puttin in a short stiff handle and adding that to my length and making it 56" long ntn....that still gives me the same 10" working limb and 15" levers with a 60/40 ratio....i wanna bow i can shoot...i can shoot 50" bendys,but there a wild mustang to control,and putting a lil more length n stiff handle will help,plus itll give me a lil more reflex to start with,and a lil better string angle at full draw;but thats still good stats for getting that horn to work for me.


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Re: Andaman-Holmgaard Horn Composite Thoughts n Q's
« Reply #34 on: June 04, 2012, 02:11:20 pm »
Was just about to cut the tip splices and realised, after comparing it to my Turkish hornbows, it was way too long in the working limb. So i've cut off about 4 inches. The tips are spliced in and glued now so will be able to get some pics tomorrow.
I've got quite high hopes for this one....200fps @ 10gpp??? I don't think so but it's got the potential to be fast I think. Maybe this design is the one for the 200fps challenge with a bit of devolpment and tweaking.


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Re: Andaman-Holmgaard Horn Composite Thoughts n Q's
« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2012, 02:48:39 pm » thinking that this design is best between 60-70 lbs to try and best the 200 fps challenge...because there isnt much mass weight difference in the levers between a 40 lb bow and a 60 lb bow...and at 10gpp arrows its still maybe feasible to get them going that fast....once you start shooting the heavier arrows and weights it might be too much...i have a hankering that the sweet spot wood be between 60-70 trying to shoot for around a 60 pound bow with mine......thoughts from anyone else on this?

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Re: Andaman-Holmgaard Horn Composite Thoughts n Q's
« Reply #36 on: June 05, 2012, 08:22:38 am »
just saw this post and I have no input or experience on this subject but really look forward to a build along from you. Something I always wanted to try. The way you crank out bows I have a feeling you will make it work or learn from your mistakes real fast.  Keep us posted!