Author Topic: Found a nice piece of wood - what would you do with it?  (Read 3552 times)

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Offline doggonemess

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Found a nice piece of wood - what would you do with it?
« on: June 12, 2012, 11:53:05 am »
I found a really cool piece of wood. The college that I work at has a bunch of 30+ year old crapemertyl trees that are periodically trimmed. After talking to the facilities guy, I was given permission to take any wood I want from the pile. That by itself is awesome as they have all kinds of trees on campus. In addition to a 3 feet cherry log, I got a nice piece of crapemertyl.

What would you do with it?

The whole piece is fairly long and straight, so part of it I'm going to make a bow, and maybe some arrows from the long straight branches (not shown).

This other part has a really cool look to it.

The colors of the bark didn't come through in the image very well, it has a nice look to it.
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