Yeah, like Jamie said!
You really do need to go to the Bulgarian Monastery!
They have beer!
It's quiet there, you can relax.
And not have to worry about posting anything on here
. I can call them, and they will have your room ready.
Ok, they are beautiful. Happy?! I still can't make a pretty point! I think I will just stop, and go back to carving. At least I can do that half way decent.
And I don't bleed as often, and I know when I cut myself!
So when should I call the Monks at the monastery?
Oh, I thought I said something about no more pine trees, just normal arrowhead type stuff.
As usual, you ignored me, and went and made more Fancy, Smancy stuff! Man, I don't even want to take the ones I saved to put on my arrows for hunting, out now! They are indeed beautiful, Shannon, I still think you have some kind of recessive gene that keeps popping up when you knapp! Some long lost ancestor named OOgan, the knapper! Wow, is that a genuine OOgan?!!
, Yep, traded a possum,a pommegranite, and a turtle for it it. He calls it a pine tree.
put it on that Osage spear shaft, I just finished, and then I'm gonna stick that cave bear that keeps sticking his head in my cave, and grabbing food off of my cooking spit! Not mention making me have to stand in the river for an hour to get rid of that ...... uh know....smell! As always Shannon, WOW!